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OK, I'm Convinced Barefoot is right for my horse. Now What?

Welcome to the Barefoot Community! 
You have made a great decision!!!
Barefoot hoof care has been gaining popularity by leaps and bounds in the US in recent years due to the tremendous success and positive benefits it has proven to provide our equine companions.
Before we get started, it’s important to have a foundational understanding of what’s involved in owning a barefoot horse and committing to this new lifestyle. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have other questions beyond the ones listed below.
Call Jeannette
at Coast to Coast Barefoot
  • with any additional questions
  • for your FREE Consultation  
  • or to schedule a trim


Barefoot Farrier: Idaho & Montana

Call or Text: 208-770-0781
barefoot trimmer Sandpoint, Idaho
natural hoof care Sandpoint, Idaho
How long does it take to improve the hooves?
  • It takes 1-3 growth cycles (6 months each) to develop excellent hoof material depending on the initial condition of the hoof. Remember, it’s like going from a fast food junky to eating organic. It takes time for the body to heal and change. Diet and exercise play an important role too (just like people!) For this reason, Coast to Coast Barefoot only accepts clients with pastured horses. (No horses regularly kept in stalls please!)
What is the commitment?
  • Every 4 weeks year round for proper maintenance. At your farrier’s discretion, the trims may be extended to 5 weeks apart in the cold months, but a barefoot horse cannot be maintained at intervals of more than 5 weeks. Coast to Coast Barefoot does require a commitment of year round care on the above schedule for all clients.
how often trims
cost barefoot farrier trimmer Idaho
How much does it cost?
  • Due to high demand and limited availability, the 2024 cost for a trim is $250. This includes a fuel surcharge. Any location with 4 or more horses will be given a $25 discount per horse. The average horse gets roughly 10-12 trims over the course of a year. You will also be eliminating the cost of shoes in exchange for the best possible care of your equine friends year round. 
What about hooves with founder or navicular damage?
  • Most cases of hoof damage can be dramatically improved if not completely healed. Some cases have very old and deep damage that may not be able to be completely reversed, but can ceratainly gain dramatic improvement on comfort with a correct barefoot trim.
benefits of barefoot trims Idaho
Barefoot hoof boots, Renegade
What about hoof boots?
  • Hoof boots are an essential part of a barefoot horse’s riding life. A hoof adapts to the terrain the horse predominently lives within. A horse with healthy, genetically sound hooves can be ridden barefoot. But boots fill the need to protect a hoof when it is in terrain more rugged than it has adapted to, they protect hooves with genetic issues, and they protect hooves with internal damage from navicular or laminitis. Coast to Coast Barefoot requests the purchase of hoof boots (they last hundreds of miles!) for all riding horses to enable the success of the barefoot lifestyle. Feel free to discuss your specific circumstances. 
Happy Barefoot Horses;
Happy Riders;
Happy Trails!
coast to coast barefoot riders
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