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Why Go Barefoot?!?

* A barefoot trim uses different techniques than a traditional farrier trim. One important difference is a traditional trim files off hoof callous to enable shoes to sit flat while a barefoot trim works to build callous and concavity for protection.
* Regularly scheduled trims mimic the natural wear  a horse would get in the wild and 'tricks' the domestic hoof into becoming more mustang-like.
* A barefoot trim effectively directs the hoof to grow out more tough and correct for optimal performance.
* A correct hoof has thick hoof walls, solid low heels, a short and rouded toe, callous around the inside of the hoof wall, concavity on the underside, and straight growth from the hairline to the ground. A 'true' barefoot trim (not a traditional trim) enables the hoof to develop the above traits and strengthen the entire hoof inside and out. 

How is a Barefoot Trim Different Anyhow?

So Why Should I Switch My Horse to Barefoot?

1. Health of the Horse
  • Less strain on bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and the hoof itself
  • Allows hoof to flex naturally to absorb shock
  • Optimal circulation and hoof health-                 "NO HOOF NO HORSE!"
2. Performance
  • Many expert in various disciplines of horsemanship are finding it to improve speed, agility, and endurance
  • Barefoot has the best overall traction in the mountains, on the ranch, and in the show ring
3. Corrective by Nature
  • Most Laminitis and Navicular cases can be healed or dramatically improved
  • Cracks, chips, bruising, thrush, white line syndrome, and flat feet are a thing of the past!
  • Even injured horses resulting in deformed hooves can be tremendously more comfortable
  • "Bad feet" become good or even great!
4. Affordability
  • No shoeing costs
  • Fewer vet bills from leg injuries and problem hooves
  • Costly corrective shoeing is no longer necessary

But is it a Reality in the Rockies?

ABSOLUTELY! Jeannette's 5 barefoot horses walked continuously for two years over 4,000 miles across America through almost every terrain and environment imaginable with 100% success! Despite extreme doubt, disbelief, and criticism by many horse owners, she experienced ZERO hoof problems! Jeannette is a highly adventurous, avid, and expert mountain rider who enjoys the backcountry right here in Bonner county and surrounding areas- all with very comfortable barefoot horses. 
Bad Feet  . . . . . .  Good Feet!

If Barefoot is so great, why did people ever start shoeing horses?

The answer to this question was summarized best by Kirt Lander, Renown Barefoot Farrier and Founder of Renegade Hoof Boots. Below is an exerpt from a fascinating and enlightening article he wrote on the subject.
"The Romans, of course, conquered their vast empire on barefooted horses, yet for some reason, the widespread use of the horseshoe came into play. Some believe it was the proliferation of the stone castle and horses of nobility that really got the metal shoe going. Since the king had the need to protect his horses from his enemies, they were generally kept within the confines of the castle, but because castles were expensive to build, confinement usually meant they were kept in tiny stalls, standing in their waste, unable to move freely about to exercise their legs and, most importantly, their hooves, which soon began to deteriorate.The highly-revered blacksmith, called upon to solve so many problems of the day, applied his mystical “black magic” upon the kings horses’ and lo and behold, their soundness returned and the tremendous plight of the domestic horse began."
Please read the rest of the article!
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